Monday, December 1, 2008

Europe to china policy's rift worse

British public opinion believed that Beijing's "bold move" will increase in Europe's China policy differences rather than unity.
International Herald Tribune Huang Guanjie freelance writer from Paris to protest against the EU's rotating presidency, French President Nicolas Sarkozy insisted the move met with the Dalai Lama, China to postpone scheduled for Dec. 1 in Lyon, France, China and the EU at the summit.
Mottaki with one stone. Not just the French media reacted strongly, France, Germany, Britain also took turns to accuse China of "over-reaction", the Czech Republic, Poland to follow up one after another.
European countries on this issue so what, what was the attitude? Does this mean that Europe will be "united anti-China"?
France called on European unity
France, Germany, Britain, the Czech Republic, Poland countries are in the main press statements one after another, put the blame on the Chinese side. According to German media reports, Germany Alliance for Human Rights and humanitarian aid Stambach Parliament and the Commission on Human Rights and vice chairman of the hard-line Haibach said: "The talks with the European Union refused and ultimately hurt the Chinese is its own. Europe must be clear to the Chinese Government that For dialogue with the European Union, can not be any of the conditions. "
Britain's "Financial Times" on November 27 said, "the Dalai Lama met with Chinese people's deep and sensitive little difficult to measure." The article said, "This is not a good Chaiqiao China, Beijing needs to build its main strategic partner of the stability of the alliance, such as the European Union."
The French seem to be aware of this unity is the first opportunity for neighboring countries, "Le Figaro" published an editorial, calling on EU member states "to defend our interests and values."
Europe is far from being a monolithic bloc
France is not as a naive to imagine that France has been pressure from the partners. In fact, the EU's attitude on this matter is far from monolithic. Belgium seat of the European Commission after hearing the news announced the cancellation of the European Union to follow the invitation to the Dalai Lama Parliamentary speech.
British "Guardian" quoted a China expert as saying that Beijing "bold move" not only can not allow Sarkozy to meet world leaders and play a role in the crisis manager's wish, it would exacerbate Europe's China policy differences .
An EU official in an interview on French television said publicly that some of Sarkozy's performance of "excessive" and it is time for China to carry out a joint fight against financial crises, rather than the joint fight against the Dalai Lama China. British diplomats said privately, France on the issue of Tibet to take a more hard-line stance is not wise, Sarkozy on this issue was unnecessary, "performances."
Other countries do not want to be a scapegoat
"In the past, European countries through financial and technical means to control China, but China's economic and technological strength, the European countries to reduce dependence, European countries tend to have the Dalai Lama to China as a card to play." China People's University, director of the Center for European Studies Zhang Jin of the "International Herald Tribune" analysis, he thinks, in fact, the attitude of European countries, like China, this can also enhance their bargaining chips, but much more difficult, "the leadership of a country People out of downtown, can not allow other countries to one share. "
British think tank "open Europe" Europe's policy analyst Hugo Robinson, "announced that China refused to hold summit of the only reasons for the Dalai Lama issue, which clearly told the Europeans, the conflict between China and the EU is not complicated, but China does not mean that the whole of Europe there will be major changes in foreign policy. "

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